First Courses (to be taken within the first 18 credits)
Note: Placement tests are required for math and English composition courses.
EDCP 100 Principles and Strategies of Successful Learning (3)
(strongly recommended as first course)
LIBS 150 Information Literacy and Research Methods (1)
ENGL 101/101X Introduction to Writing 3
MATH 107 College Algebra 3 or a higher-level math course
Introductory Courses (to be taken within the first 30 credits)
± CMIS 102 Introduction to Problem Solving and Algorithm Design (3) or CMIS 102A Fundamentals of Programming I
± CMIS 141 Introductory Programming (3) or
CMIS 141A Fundamentals of Programming II
PHIL 140 Contemporary Moral Issues (3) or
ENGL 240 Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama or other ARTH, ARTT, HIST, HUMN, MUSC, PHIL, THET, dance, literature, or foreign language course to fulfill the first arts and humanities requirement
BIOL 101 Concepts of Biology (3) and
BIOL 102 Laboratory in Biology (1) or other course(s) to fulfill the biological and physical sciences lecture and laboratory requirement
CMIS 160 Discrete Mathematics for Computing (3) (recommended elective)
ENGL 291 Expository and Research Writing (3) or other course to fulfill the communications/writing requirement
GVPT 170 American Government (3) or other ANTH, BEHS, ECON, GEOG, GVPT, PSYC, SOCY, or eligible AASP, CCJS, GERO or WMST course to fulfill the first behavioral and social sciences requirement
Foundation Courses (to be taken within the first 60 credits)
± CMIT 265 Networking Essentials (3)
PSYC 100 Introduction to Psychology (3) or
SOCY 100 Introduction to Sociology or other course to fulfill the second behavioral and social sciences requirement (discipline must differ from first)
NSCI 100 Introduction to Physical Science (3) or
ASTR 100 Introduction to Astronomy or other course to fulfill the biological and physical sciences lecture requirement
HIST 142 Western Civilization II (3) or
HIST 157 History of the United States Since 1865 or other course(s) to fulfill the second arts and humanities requirement (discipline must differ from first) and the historical perspective requirement
IFSM 304 Ethics in the Information Age (3) or other course to fulfill the civic responsibility requirement
ANTH 344 Cultural Anthropology and Linguistics (3) or a foreign language course
or other course to fulfill the international perspective requirement
SPCH 100 Foundations of Speech Communication (3) or
COMM 390 Writing for Managers or other course to fulfill the communications/writing or speech requirement
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